Neighbourhood Curriculum Workshops

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Roman Road Trust and Public Works are inviting local people to one of our upcoming Neighbourhood Curriculum workshops. These workshops are an opportunity for local people to come forward and let us know what you can bring to The Common Room.

We are looking for local people who have a secret talent, skill or subject knowledge and want to share this with their neighbourhood.

Perhaps you are a keen gardener or an amazing cook? Or maybe you are a whizz with technology or have a passion for local history? Whatever it is, we want to hear from you! You don’t have to be an expert, just interested in giving back to your local community. 

The sessions will be facilitated by Roman Road Trust and Torange Khonsari from Public Works. The workshops aim to be fun and relaxed. This is a chance for you to begin thinking about how you can be involved in The Common Room once it is built. There will be refreshments too!


  • Wednesday 6th October, 10:00-11:30am
  • Wednesday 20th October, 10:00-11:30am


How to book

To book your free place at one of the workshops, please email:

The Common Room is currently being transformed to become a community centre for local people. Find out more about Transform The Common Room.

Neighbourhood Curriculum workshops are part of our Developing The Programme project which is funded and supported by Foundation for Future London.

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