Help keep 80 St Stephens Rd (formerly Sew Amazing) as a retail unit

UPDATE 19/02/2020: Thanks to a huge response from local residents, we are pleased to announce the applicant has now withdrawn their Planning Application. Thanks to the support of our local community, we have helped keep retail space in Roman Road. 

Save Our Shops: Help keep retail units in our high street. 

Deadline for appeals is Tuesday 28th January 2020. We need your help to keep this shop for retail use.

There has been an application for 80 St Stephens Road (formerly Sew Amazing) to change use class from A1 Retail to Sui Generis (Nail Bar).

The application, if approved, would result in a loss of retail space on the high street and open the possibility of other non-retail uses under ‘Sui Generis’. This is detrimental to the functioning and viability of our high street as a commercial destination. 

Roman Road is home to a wide range of small, independent retailers who provide essential services to our local community. However, there is already a high amount of businesses under the Hair & Beauty category in Roman Road. 

A recent study completed by students from Queen Mary University of London in Dec 2019, showed ‘There are around 6 hairdressers per km in Roman Road East (Bow)’ and there are at least five other businesses offering the same service. This suggests there is not a need for additional nail bars in our high street.

By ensuring Roman Road contains a good mix of different use classes (not too many of one type and not enough of another) it helps our high street to successfully serve the needs of those who live here and encourages local people to shop in Roman Road. This helps to boost the local economy and support Roman Road to become a thriving high street

Roman Road Trust believes it is crucial to object to this application in order to help support retail in Roman Road. 

We need your help to make sure this happens.

Here’s how:

Please send the email below to
and cc.

Please quote following in your correspondence:

  • Address: 80 St Stephens Road, London, E3 5JL
  • Application Reference: PA/19/02737/NC

Please act fast – there isn’t much time left until the end of the consultation period. Deadline for appeals is Tuesday 28th January 2020.


Mr John Miller
Planning Case Officer
Development & Renewal
London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council
2nd Floor | Mulberry Place | Clove Crescent | London | E14 2BG


Dear John Miller,

Re: PA19/02737/NC for 80 St Stephens Road

I am writing to formally OBJECT to the application PA19/02737/NC which proposes a Change of Use from A1 (Retail) to Sui Generis (Nail Bar).

The application, if granted, would result in a loss of retail space on the high street and open the possibility of other uses under ‘Sui Generis’ which would be detrimental to the functioning and viability of the high street as a commercial whole. Retaining existing retail is key to the growth and success of Roman Road high street.

The rearrangement of the interior layout would also make it harder in the future for retail business to use the property. The proposed layout would reduce the capacity for any display or storage for retail therefore undermining its feasibility for A1 use.

The incomplete planning history contained within the planning application is cause for concern.

The local need for more nail bars has not been evidenced. There are at least five other businesses on Roman Road which offer the same services, it is not clear there is demand for more.

There will be potential for noise disturbance and air contamination from the chemicals involved in the process of manicuring and pedicuring.

As a result of the above, I object to this proposal because it undermines the Council’s town centre hierarchy, contrary to the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), policy 2.15 of the London Plan (2011), policy SP01 of the Core Strategy (2010) and policy DM1 DM2 of the Managing Development Document (2013).

I also refer you to the following:

Regional Planning Policy

The London Plan (Spatial Development Strategy for London consolidated with alterations since 2011) March 2016

  • Retail and town centre development 4.7

For these reasons, and because I am committed to making Roman Road a successful, thriving high street, I request that you REFUSE this application.

Kind regards,


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