Plans for community-led housing in Roman Road

Local residents are hoping to set up a Community Land Trust on a plot in Bow to help provide affordable housing locally.

The Roman Road Community Land Trust is a new initiative that seeks to protect the diverse community that makes Roman Road unique in perpetuity by providing truly affordable housing. The Roman Road CLT aims to create an alternative solution for residents who are being forced out of the area due to increased property prices.

The Roman Road CLT will do this by building housing to be sold or rented at a rate tied to the average income of residents. Roman Road CLT believes affordable housing can sustain strong communities and improve the safety of the area for local residents.

“The goal is to create a built environment that involves the community and that the community is proud to be a part of” says founder Sarah Bland of Studio Wic.

An initial meeting has been held with key community stakeholders including Roman Road Trust, Roman Road Neighbourhood Plan, Clarion Housing, National Community Land Trust Network, Studio Wic, Appropriate Housing. The response was positive and a further scoping meeting is planned in 16th July 2018 to which members are invited.

Roman Road CLT is seeking members of the community who can help lead positive change in our community. Individually, members contribute their local knowledge and expertise. Together members have influence and weight to attract funding and the change necessary for positive change in the housing sector.

The Roman Road CLT will be a not-for-profit group that benefits the community and its members.

To find out more about CLTs, how to become a member, and sign up to the group’s newsletter visit the Roman Road Community Land Trust website or follow the Roman Road Community Land Trust Facebook page.

Email Roman Road CLT:

Steering Committee Meeting – Wednesday 26th September 2018, location & times TBC.

This meeting is for those who already members and those looking to join the committee – please sign up via the Facebook page or Roman Road CLT website (links above.) 

  1. Fred hadley

    I would like to get envolved with this group but had no idea. And never herd of it cauld you send me some info and let me know when the next metting is thanks

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