Roman Road Trust joined residents of Rochester Court for their coffee morning on Thursday 14th June to speak to about improving their green spaces and getting involved with local community projects.
Rochester Court has a large garden at the heart of the housing centre, and is much loved and used by all the residents. Given this love of green spaces, Roman Road Trust invited green expert Hester Buck from Public Works to attend the meeting and speak to residents about the potential to develop the green spaces in Rochester Court. Public Works is also working on another community orchard project that is seeking to reactivate underused green spaces in local housing estates.
Roman Road Trust was given a tour of the garden which is already a thriving green space with tall trees, a herb garden, ivy hedges, large planters and even a patio area with tables, chairs, and barbecue. Residents expressed their main concerns were around pruning, tending, and general upkeep of the garden. Residents are also looking to improve the grass verges surrounding the front of the building by removing the grass and replacing with pebbles.
As the morning concluded, residents were excited and keen to see their green spaces improved and to be kept updated with Roman Road Trust’s news and projects. Roman Road Trust flyers were given to residents who were keen to learn more and sign up to the Friends of Roman Road mailing list.
Roman Road trust would like to say thank you to Rose Pierre-Louis for organising the coffee morning and special thanks to all Rochester Court residents who attended the morning and spoke to Roman Road Trust.
I am pleased that there is an ivy hedge at Rochester Court as my mum (Ivy Brind) and dad (Ted)’s ashes are buried in the garden area. They both lived there until 1992 and loved it there.